Welcome to the AFCI Community FAQs and Guidelines!

  • Security – You are responsible for the security of your account. There is one account per Member Office. If a member of your team leaves, it is your responsibility to change the password.
  • Remember to use a signature. When posting please sign off with your name.
  • Consider the quality of your posts. Check previous forum posts to check that your question has not been discussed previously.
  • No personal insults. This is self explanatory.
  • Don’t spam the community.
  • Please update your “Profile Photo” with your organization logo and add a “Cover Photo” of your choosing.
  • Be respectful of the topics and the people discussing them, even if you disagree with some of what is being said.
  • Remember that everyone was new once. The whole point of our forum is to learn in a safe environment, so for that very reason there is no such thing as a silly question. Be patient with your responses.
  • We would prefer if you refrained from using the PM system to ask for help if your problem is being discussed in a thread. This prevents others from using the knowledge to solve the same problem at a later date.

Message Marj Galas marj@afci.org

Your password is the same to access the AFCI Directory directory.afci.org
Click here to change it.

You can edit your profile information by clicking Profile/Edit. Please update your “Profile Photo” with your organization’s logo.

All usernames are the organization members names. If your organization undergoes a change message us and we will accommodate you.

Message Marj Galas marj@afci.org If you could message us a link and a screengrab will really help solve the problem asap.

We hope to keep our community beneficial to you. We look forward to your suggestions on how we can improve to better serve you.

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